Amanda’s College Blog

A day in the life of a college student…

Movie Making January 22, 2009

Filed under: College Life — davisal @ 1:12 am

So… most of this week my time has been devoted to making our movie for my religion class. It’s going pretty well so far. I like what we’ve filmed and we’re having a good time making it. 🙂 We still have a lot left to film, though, and one of the guys in it has been difficult to get a hold of and has a very busy schedule. But he’s also perfect for the part, and we can’t think of anyone else who would be able to pull it off as well as him. So… hopefully he’ll be available tomorrow and maybe Friday so that we can get the filming done and start working on the editing…. And, on top of all the movie work, we still have a bunch of reading to do and, on Tuesday and again tomorrow, I won’t be able to start until 9 o’clock due to my ballroom dance class. Oofda!

In other news, I’m very excited that we have a new president in the White House and hope that he is able to get this country back on its feet… and lower college tuition… and establish more affordable/universal health care… among other things.


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