Amanda’s College Blog

A day in the life of a college student…

Summer!! May 25, 2009

Filed under: College Life — davisal @ 11:59 pm

As of yesterday around 10:30 I am officially done with my first year of college!!  Ah!  That hardly seems possible… It seems like we just moved me into my dorm, and now I’ve already moved out.  It’s crazy! 

My last final was on Tuesday afternoon but the choir performed at the commencement concert on Saturday night and commencement worship Sunday morning, so I had to stay for the weekend.  It was a nice start to the summer to be able to just relax and hang out with my friends, though. 🙂  

Now I get to start cleaning… :/  My job for this summer is to go through all of the stuff that we have accumulated over the years and decide to keep it or sell it on amazon/ebay/craig’s list or at a garage sale that we will hopefully eventually be having.  It’s a big project… 

Plus, now I’m trying to look after Mom and make sure she takes it easy after the seizure she had yesterday… (See her blog for more info)


Oh dear… May 10, 2009

Filed under: College Life — davisal @ 8:38 pm

…it would seem I’ve neglected my blog again. 😦  Zut.


So, this will have to be a quick update, since I have an essay that I really need to get back to (or rather I have to go back to finding quotes/ideas for the essay…).  It’s one of the last things I have to do before the end of the year, though, so I’m trying to use that as my motivation…  (Finals week is next week; I have one final and two essays due).


I went to my first midnight showing!  Desta, Alex, Jen, and I went to see Wolverine. 🙂


Hmm… Oh! On Friday I listened to a radio show, “Spiritual Smackdown,” of two of the religion professors here.  It was really interesting.  They were talking about an article that someone had written on the topic of death and the afterlife.  It was really interesting.  I wish I had been able to pay closer attention to it, but alas I had homework that I had to do at the same time. 😦  Oh well… I liked what I did hear.

A little bit after that, Alex, two people in his religion class, and I went to a coffee place down the street to meet with their religion professor (who was one of the people who did the radio show) about Paul Tillich (a christian theologian and the topic of their class) and other religious topics.  Since coming to PLU I’ve heard a lot of people talk about Tillich, so it was cool hearing what they had to say, since I don’t know much at all about him or his ideas.  We also looked at verses in the King James, NRSV, and NIV bibles and saw how verses have been translated in different ways in order to suit the translator’s purpose or beliefs.  It was really interesting and I’m really glad Alex invited me to join him. 🙂


Yesterday I went to see Company.  It was really good.  In it, the cast members were also the orchestra, each playing an instrument.  Most of them had never played their respective instrument(s) before the show and a few of them were clearly… uncomfortable with the idea.  Overall the show was great, though. 🙂


Well… I think that’s enough procrastination for now… back to work. 😦


Happy mother’s day!!! Love you, Mom! 😀