Amanda’s College Blog

A day in the life of a college student…

Fall Concert October 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 11:34 am

Sorry about the short notice, but TONIGHT and TOMORROW the choirs at PLU will be putting on our fall concert.  Performances are at 8 o’clock in Lagerquist.  Tickets are, I believe, $8, free for PLU students.  I have a solo for one of the songs that we’re performing.  The concert is the same both nights, but as the choir concerts get a large turnout, we have two concerts in order to accommodate.

In other news, midterms are this week.  I have an essay due for French tomorrow and a group paper to write for IHON for our midterm.  😦  I hate group projects.  Especially papers.

Sorry about the lack of blog posts… I’ll try to update later if/when I’m not so busy…


I can walk! September 2, 2009

Filed under: Ganglion Cyst,Uncategorized — davisal @ 6:15 pm


Yesterday, I got the stitches out.  The doctor told me I can walk and take showers now! Yay!  I had been instructed not to get my foot wet after I had the surgery, so I had to take baths with my leg draped over the side of the tub, which makes for a rather awkward and lengthy endeavor when trying to clean oneself.  Baths are lovely when used as a method of relaxation, but I far prefer showers for day-to-day cleanliness.

I went out to lunch at the Great Wall Mall with Sarah, Kenna, and Elaine today. 🙂  We had our usual lunch at the phở restaurant there, followed by bubble tea at the Boba place a couple doors down from the restaurant.  Mmm… Delicious! 🙂  *sigh* Food I will miss while off at college…

Speaking of college… I start moving in to my dorm tomorrow.  I will be living in Ordal this year.   My roommate, Sarah, was in choir and IHON with my last year.


This is my foot… August 9, 2009

Filed under: Ganglion Cyst,Uncategorized — davisal @ 2:37 pm

As you may or may not know, I have a ganglion cyst on the bottom of my left foot.  It has been there for years, but we had never gotten around to having it checked out.  Last summer, I finally went to see a podiatrist who took x-rays, did an ultrasound, and had two CT scans.  They told me it was a ganglion cyst and that I should have it removed, but since I was about to head off to college, we decided to wait until the timing was better.  Well, I will finally be going in to have surgery on my foot this coming Wednesday.  Because the cyst is on the bottom of my foot, I won’t be allowed to walk for three weeks and will need to use crutches to get around.

In other news, this past week Mom, Mom’s friend, Alyce, and I went to Friday Harbor.  We drove up to our family’s cabin on Lake Roesiger the night before and got up early in order to drive to Annacortes.  There, we got on a ferry that took us to San Juan Island.  It was the first time I had been to the San Juans. 🙂  The day started out kind of overcast, but the sun came out as we pulled into the harbor.  After we arrived, we went to lunch at a restaurant overlooking the marina.  Mom ordered mussels, Alyce got crab cakes, and I had a halibut burger, all of which were delicious.  Once we had finished our lunch, we strolled along the streets, popping into stores that looked interesting.  It was a very pretty, relaxing day-trip. 🙂


Happy Birthday, Mr. Angelidis!!! January 12, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 5:12 pm

Today is, as you might have guessed, Mr. Angelidis’ birthday. 🙂 (Mr. Angelidis was my AP Calculus teacher at Kentwood).  I wanted to say thank you for all the support you’ve given me and my family over the past couple years.  I feel very blessed to have had you for a teacher, and a friend. 🙂  Yours was definitely one of my favorite classes (minus the Calculus part…lol) and I looked forward to seeing what crazy, fun, off-topic thing we would be talking about that day. 😛  Thanks for everything!  Have a fantastic birthday and many wonderful years to come!


Website January 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 1:10 am

I found a new website for language resources… There are games, vocab, and articles in the target language, among other things. 🙂  Yay!

Another good site is:


Last Week of Vacation January 5, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 4:55 pm

December 29 I went to New Voices with Matt, which was a lot of fun.  It’s a kind of cabaret show, where a number of singers sing new selections by contemporary composers, or from new musicals.  Before the show we had dinner in the food court at Seattle Center (we both had fettuccine Alfredo. 🙂 Mmm) and then went to Starbucks and watched a very strange circus-esque performance on the little stage in the Seattle Center.  It was quite bizarre… :/  The show was good.  The sound was much better this time. 🙂 (This was the 6th New Voices show, and the last one (which was the 1st I went to) did not have good sound…)

December 30, Sarah, Kenna, Roxanne, and I (plus Kristen and Nick) went to see Mr. Angelidis.  He recently adopted a little girl from Ethiopia, Leyla, who is absolutely adorable. 🙂  She’s  7 months old, has the cutest smile, and is very well behaved.  She barely cried the whole time we were there (which was for several hours), and she fell asleep 3 or 4 times, too.  Afterwords, Sarah, Kenna, Roxanne, and I went to South Center for dinner and did some shopping, too. 🙂  Sarah and Kenna especially had fun playing dress up with me. I ended up getting a pair of jeans and a cute shirt.

New Year’s Eve I went to a New Year’s Eve/”surprise” birthday party for David at Josh’s house.  It was cool seeing everyone again, especially since Josh and Isaac will be leaving for their missions  pretty soon.  Lots of fun… food, friends, keraoke, cranium, etc.

New Year’s Day I had to wake up really early because I was kennel help while Mom was in Palm Springs.  Umm… I think that was it.

Friday, I woke up early again (to snow falling!) and danced with Ellen DeGeneras at 11. 😀  It was fun.  I love Ellen.  She kind of reminds me of my mom. 🙂  After that I watched an Anthony Bourdain marathon! (Yippee!)  For those of you who don’t know, Anthony Bourdain is a chef who has a show on the travel channel where he travels around to different places around the world and eats their food.  The last episode I watched was his trip to Brazil.  My mom and I want to go to Sao Paolo just for the Mortadello sandwhich he gets at the market there.  It looks sooooo good.  Wow.  After that episode, Kenna picked me up to go to have pho with her and Elaine at the Great Wall Mall.  It had been far too long since I had had pho.  It’s so good!  Afterwords, as always, we got bubble tea. (Also delicious).  That night, Dad and I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was very good, but also very long.  Make sure you go to the bathroom before you see it!  lol

Saturday, Mom came home  and we went to Greek for dinner! 😀  I love Greek food.  Sometimes there is “Greek” food at school, but it’s really not.  And it makes me sad.  I love my saganaki, pita, Greek salad, gyro platter, and baklava…

Sunday at church, our pastor began by telling how that week he had been woken up by a squirrel howling on his roof at 6 in the morning.  The next morning (around 4), clad  in camo and equipped with a BB gun, he went outside and hid in his bushes and, after a conflict of conscious, prayed for forgiveness, then shot the squirrel. lol After the service, I found out that the situation hadn’t been completely taken care of and that he was planing on going shopping for a pellet gun that day. 😛  At 3, we went up to Capitol Hill for a home inspection and, while we were there, it started snowing.   We went to Pagliacci (a pizza place) afterwords and, by the time we were done, the snow was sticking.  We had heavy snow all the way to PLU.  It was crazy.  Anyway… after getting all my stuff put away, Kellie and I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  We were going to watch 50 First Dates, but it kept skipping. 😦  Elizabeth still wasn’t back yet… apparently she won’t be getting back until 9 or 10 tonight (Monday) since she didn’t have class today.


Oh dear… December 29, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 3:07 pm

It would seem that I’ve been greatly neglecting my blog. 😦  Terribly sorry about that.   Let’s try to get you caught up…

On December 16, I woke up early to make it to my my IHON final at 8.  Although we weren’t actually taking a final, my professor was required to have a finals time, so we turned in an evaluation survey, talked about the course a bit, and then left.  At 1 that afternoon I had my Brit. Lit. final.  For that we had to write one outside essay and two in-class essays.  The outisde one asked us to come up with our own course title and explain how the authors we fit in would fit into that theme.  For the in-class essays, we had 8 choices total, 4 from each modernism and post-modernism, and had to choose 2 (one from each period) to write on.

December 17th was my French final.  This final was cumulative with an oral section, primarily fill-in-the-blanks, and a few where you were given two possibilities and you had to choose the right one.   Mom decided that, because there was so much snow, she would pick me up that night instead of the next morning, like we had planned.  The roads were pretty clear that evening and we were expecting a big storm over night, so we decided not to chance it.  On the way back, we decided to stop by the Supermall for dinner and a movie. 🙂  We saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (which mom kept mistakingly calling The Boy in the Silk Pajamas), which is about the son of a Nazi soldier who, while exploring the area around his house, comes across a concentration camp and befriends one of the Jewish boys.  Like all Holocaust movies, it was very sad but also very good.

December 19th I had been planning on hanging out with my friend Elaine, but, since there was so much snow, her parents didn’t want her to drive.  Sarah, however, had been home all week, and was tired of sitting around, so she braved the snow and came over and watched Get Smart.  It was quite amusing.  I especially liked the line “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” “I don’t know. Were you thinking ‘Holy $*#%! Holy $*#%! A swordfish almost went through my head?’ If so, then yes.” lol

December 23rd a bunch of my friends and I got together for our annual Christmas party/gift exchange.  This year we decided to do gifts white elephant style, just getting one and having each person select a present in turn.   Strangely, no one stole anyone else’s. lol  I ended up getting Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots!  Tee hee. 😛  I had played as a kid, but it really is quite fun. 😛 Tee hee.  Sarah got World Monopoly, where each of the properties are cities around the world and you have credit cards instead of the normal monopoly money.  It was nice to see everyone again and play games together. 🙂

Christmas this year was, for I believe the first time in my life, not at my grandparents’ cabin on Lake Roesiger! 😦  Because there was so much snow everywhere, and even more by the cabin, we decided it would be safer if we had Christmas at my grandparents’ house instead.  Mom, Dad, and I opened our presents from eachother at home Christmas morning, had ebelskivers for breakfast (yay!), then headed up.  Instead of having the typical massive heap of presents we normally have, my grandma decided to get a Wii for the cabin and have everyone contribute games for it.  We still had a few presents to distribute to each person (especially to my younger cousins), though.  My cousin Caleb didn’t really seem very excited about the idea of sharing the Wii controller with anyone else, so luckily someone got a second controller.  Caleb, like many children, isn’t very good at being still and, because Wii controllers are very sensitive to movement, he seemed to be having some trouble with the games.  It was fun, though.  I haven’t played since August when I visited Marie and Nick in Michigan.  Christmas dinner was our traditional Scandinavian dinner… Swedish meetballs, potato sausage, mashed potatos, lingonberries, beans, and, my favorite, the jello. 🙂  It’s really good.  The top and bottom layers are jello with fruit mixed in, and the middle layer is sour cream. Mmmm Yummy. ^_^

Sarah’s birthday was December 27, so we all went to the ice sking rink for a couple hours.  It was fun. 🙂  We were playing a poking game, though, passing a poke on to someone else when we came up to them.  It made me fall twice, though… 😦  Oh well.  The first time, Roxanne was trying to dodge my poke, but just as I poked her on the elbow, I ended up falling.  The second time I fell was in poking Adrienne.  After skating, we went back to Sarah’s house, worked on her puzzle for a bit as she opened presents, and played the new Cranium, which she got for her birthday.  It has new pieces a bunch of new cards, so that was exciting.  After I got home, Mom, Dad, and I went to see one of the other movies on our long list of movies to see: Slumdog Millionaire.  Now, when I first heard about the movie, I was kind of confused as to why my mother would want to see a movie with that title.  But it had outstanding reviews, so off we went.  I really had no idea what to expect from it, but it was really good.  It’s about the life of a boy, his brother, and a girl they befriend as they move from the slums of India they grew up in to adulthood, where the main character ends up on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  The movie jumps between the present and the past, showing how various important events in his past led to his knowledge of the specific questions he was asked.

Yesterday, December 28, Mom, Sarah, and I went to see The Color Purple at the Paramount.  It was amazing. Sometimes touring casts can be a little underwhelming, but this cast was great.  Even with 3 understudies performing!  The Sound of Music was on last night, too. 🙂  High On A Hill Stood A Lonely Goatherd has always been a family favorite. 😛 Tee hee.  I also finished the fist CD of Rosetta Stone Italian, but the second one is at school, so I guess I’ll have to wait until I get back… 😦

Tonight I’m excited because Matt Varelia (Curly in Oklahoma this summer) and I are going to New Voices, which is a concert held a few times a year where local talent sing songs from new musicals.  We went to it in August, too, so hopefully we’ll make a tradition out of it. 🙂 (As long as he’s not back in Boston when the show is).

Well, I think that’s about everything interesting that’s happened here.  Might be missing a few things… <shrugs>


A restful week December 1, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 12:56 am

This has been a great break. 🙂 I really didn’t realize how much I needed one… On Wednesday, I had my IHON and French classes, and then packed up and went home. Well… went shopping and then went home. (Mom is super tiny now, so she needed some new pants that would fit her).

I spent Thanksgiving up at my grandparent’s log cabin on Lake Roesiger, which is north, near Monroe and Snohomish. We (my mom’s side of the family) had a nice traditional, non-traditional Thanksgiving meal and decorated the Christmas tree, since we all spend Christmas up there, too. (“traditional, non-traditional Thanksgiving meal”: My grandpa likes to experiment with things as he’s cooking, so it’s traditional in that we have the food item and he’s experimenting, non-traditional in that it’s never the same and well… doesn’t always work-out the way it was intended.)

On Friday, I went over to Kenna’s house and hung out with her, Sarah, Adrienne, Colin, Sid, Roxanne, Elaine, and Tuyen all day. 🙂 It was fun. We ate food, danced (or at least I did), played Catch Phrase, watched a couple movies, played volleyball (Colin and I, anyway), and talked about what we’ve been up to. It was so good to see everyone again! I’ve missed them. 😦

On Saturday, Grandpa and Eric came down to install new floors in the living room/music room. With so many dogs running around, not all of whom are potty-trained, the carpet in there was really disgusting.. But now we have a wood laminate floor that I really like. 🙂
When they were all done, and Mom and I had arranged the room to our liking, I pulled out my Christmas music and played for a really long time… I love Christmas music. 🙂 Yay!

Tonight, my choir and Choir of the West had our first rehearsal with the orchestra. It definitely got me back into work mode… Tomorrow we have rehearsal from 3:40-5:30 AND 7:15-9:45. Oofda! But… we have concerts Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and we want to make sure it’s the best concert it can be. 🙂


I’m Alive! November 2, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 5:13 pm

Yesterday I finally started feeling a bit better and my voice came back!  Hooray!! I’m still not completely back to normal yet, but I’m definitely feeling a better and actually have energy to do things.

At church today, Pastor Strand was gone (not sure why exactly…) and he was supposed to give the sermon today.  Pastor Shaw only had a half-hour notice that he was going to be giving the sermon, and yet he still gave a fantastic sermon, free of notes, with annecdotal stories, and, of course, with quotes.  Pastor Shaw is truly living out his calling…


Bleck! October 26, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — davisal @ 11:47 pm

You’d think that someone would come up with cold medicine that didn’t taste disgusting… I mean really… People who need it feel miserable enough already, do they really need nasty tasting medicine to add to their misery?  I think not. 😦

This morning at church I felt the worst I’ve felt in a long time… We had to stand up for quite some time at the beginning of service, and during that time, I’m not really sure what happened, but my legs felt shaky, I felt a bit dizzy, my ears seemed plugged up, and my eyes went kinda fuzzy… Luckily after I sat down I started feeling a bit better.  It wasn’t fun, though. 😦  After church I went home and slept for a while and took some cold medicine after Mom came back from the store with it.  I felt a lot better after taking it and getting some more sleep, and was able to function somewhat normally.   I also kept going between feeling really cold and really hot.  Hopefully this will pass soon… :/  At least I didn’t get sick last week… That would have been bad.

Anyway… I’m going to take some more cold medicine now and then get some sleep!